
Showing posts from 2016

The Many Sides of You

There are so many sides to a person. You think you know someone until you are surprised when you witness something you never noticed before. A lot of the time we see just the surface or the top layer of an individual. We assume that there is nothing else beneath the surface. That is us being narrow minded. We have to start to look beyond the surface. What are you made of? If a person met you for the first time would they be able to see all of you? Most of the time we give off what we think people want to see. When people say just be yourself. You get scared that they won't like the real you. There are so many aspects of you.  Which one are you more willing to portray? Different circumstances bring different sides of a persons personality. When you are at work it is the professional you. When you are at a party is the party you? When you are with family it is the family you. When you are with your partner it is the loving you. When you are with your kids same thing. We are who we

I Am Love and Love is Me

I Am Love and Love is Me I am love and love is me I am that unforgettable love I am that unexplored love I am the I hate you... love The I forgive you Love I am the ups and downs and ins and outs of love The tortured love The taken for granted love I am love  The undeserved love The hidden cove of love Love the unconditional Love is me The how could you love The forever love The unnoticed love The secret love I am love  Love is the epitome of me It's passion and desire The good love The bad love  The ugly love I am love and love is me  The blinding love The I see clearly love The I am free love The wish I can buy love The lost love The you don't love me love The broken love The healed love The crazy love The sane love Love is me by definition I can't escape....LOVE Love is me The I am sorry love The unappreciated love The excited love Butterflies in my stomach love The love you so much

Are You Raising Your Kids? or Are Your Kids Raising You?

Are you raising your kids? Or are your kids raising you? Have you ever schooled by your child? and shocked because your child was right for once and you were wrong. Did you admit you were wrong? or did you tell your child they were out of their bounds because you did not want to admit they were right. I honestly believe it is a joint effort. We are all learning. Each day is a learning experience. No matter how many books you read before you have children, You will not truly understand what it takes to be a parent until you become one. No, I am not saying men and women who have not had children can not understand or have a natural instinct; when it comes to children and relating to parents. When I was trying to conceive, I hated when people would criticize my husband and myself because we had not had children yet. Yet we were able to come up with ways to help discipline and interact with everyone else's children. Now we have a little one of our own and what we knew then sti